Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Dawn of Becoming

...You know that feeling you get sometimes between like 5:30-6:00 in the morning?

The feeling you get when everything is on the brink of awakening. Everything is still asleep, yet on the outskirts of dawning--of becoming. There's this great, yet subtle, deep stirring of anticipation.

The day is coming.

It's just begun.

Anything is possible.

Something great is awaiting you.

"The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity."
-Leonard Ravenhill

May you awaken to the dawn of something new.
May you step out onto the journey of becoming.

You were meant for more.
You will be made into more.
You are more.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Goals

Get a Mustard Tree tattoo

Secure a summer job

Choose a Graduate Counseling Program for Fall 2012

Work out consistently

Participate in the Church calendar seasons (specifically Lent)

Pray the Hours consistently

WRITE more; Write the Story of My Life

Read more; Before buying another book, read the majority of what I already have

Learn a song on the piano

Explore more creative outlets

Sing more

Allow this list to be fluid. Trying to maintain consistency, while understanding that new adventures may be added, and some deleted.